Tell Stories for Life in an international framework

Arranged and funded by Ensomme Gamles Værn
Time: Monday May 23, 2016 from 9.30-11.30.
Place: Ensomme Gamles Værn, Fondenes Hus, Otto Mønsteds Gade 5, 3rd.
Participants:Tell Stories for Life-group leaders and their leaders, other persons who work with and are interested in narrative care and narrative gerontology.
Registration: Email to no later than May 17, 2016.
Please be sure to include name, position, workplace or organization and mail-addressfor each participant. Registration on a first-come-first-served basis. We have room for 60 persons.

Welcome and introduction
Christine E. Swane, Director, Ensomme Gamles Værn (moderator)
Andreas Nikolajsen, Project leader, Ensomme Gamles Værn
Honouring older adults’ stories:  The importance of narrative care
Professor William L. Randall, Department of Gerontology and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Narrative, St. Thomas University, New Brunswick, Canada.
We age not just biologically but biographically as well. We age in terms of our understanding of the “story” of our life. This story is integral to our identity as individuals; and to our emotions, relationships, and values.  The losses and transitions of later life (bereavement, retirement, relocation, illness, etc.), however, can lead to our stories becoming narrowed or impoverished. What we may need, therefore, are opportunities for telling and reflecting on our stories with compassionate listeners in ways that make us stronger and more resilient.  In this presentation, William L. Randall will explore the practice and benefits of what is called “narrative care”.

Download William Randall’s ‘hand-out’ paper “Honoring older adults’ stories – the importance of narrative care”

The EGV Foundation

Linnésgade 18, 1
DK-1361 København K
(+45) 5060 5460

Office hours:
Monday – Thursday 9am – 3pm

Empowerment of socially isolated older persons

Watch a short video from the conference Empowerment of socially isolated older persons. The guestspeakers, professor Anja Machialse (The Netherlands), social psychiatrist Preben Brandt and ethnologist Jon Dag Rasmussen, comment on the subject of the conference.

The video is mainly in Danish.