The Multi House for socially vulnerable older persons in Nørrebro, Copenhagen

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An anthropological study of The Multi House for socially vulnerable older people in Nørrebro, Copenhagen

An anthropological study carried out by the EGV Foundation at ‘Multihuset’ (The Multi House), focusing on socially vulnerable older people and older people in and around Arbejde Adlers Hus in Nørrebro, Copenhagen. The house has a drop-in centre, Værestedet Oasen, and rehabilitation units created to ease the transition between a hospital stay and permanent housing. Some units are reserved for older homeless people.

Most older persons in Denmark are well-off and lead a socially active retired life and family life, but not all. Users at the Oasen, who have often had a rough life, share their experiences and losses, their financial and social problems, etc. Oasen serves as a platform that allows them to become important in each other’s lives. The two-way process is vital in establishing a social network and maintaining it.

The researcher was Jon Dag Rasmussen, educational anthropologist, research assistant. The project leader was Christine E. Swane, director at the EGV Foundation (Social Inclusion for Older Adults).

The results are described in an EGV report in Danish.