‘All alone in the world’ – a qualitative study of loneliness among younger adults

The report elaborates on qualitative data from Loneliness among younger adults, a collaboration between the EGV Foundation and The Mary Foundation

In 2013, the EGV Foundation carried out a qualitative interview study of 20 people between the 30 and 50 years with experience of long-lasting and recurring loneliness funded by The Mary Foundation. The analysis was published in a report, Loneliness among younger adults – life stories, experience, and patterns.

The analysis was taken further in the present project funded by the EGV Foundation. The report ‘Palle alene i verden’ (in Danish only) discusses several important themes in the lives of the interviewees and shows how adults with recurring loneliness have a hard time escaping their loneliness despite trying. They are in imminent danger of facing loneliness later in life unless the conditions of their social life are improved. For this, they certainly need help from others.

The report in Danish was written by Morten Hedelund, MA in Psychology – Andreas Nikolajsen, MA in Psychology – and Christine E. Swane, MA in Cultural Sociology, PhD.