Loneliness and old age in Danish newspapers. By Axel Ågren, PhD fellow at Division Ageing and Social Change (ASC), Campus Norrköping, Linköping University.
This research project describes how the Danish press presents loneliness among older adults, how the press portrays ways out of loneliness, and to whom the responsibility for launching initiatives to fight loneliness among older adults is ascribed.
Axel Ågren is a PhD fellow at Linköping University. His PhD project contains analyses of articles on older adults and loneliness as portrayed in Swedish newspapers. With this funding, the project will also consider similar material in the Danish press published in 2016 and 2017. This comparative analysis will show how loneliness among older adults is depicted in Swedish and Danish newspapers.
The study will be carried out in 2018 – and the results will be published in academic articles and in a report (in Danish) written in collaboration with director Christine E. Swane at EGV Foundation.