Director of the EGV Foundation, Christine E. Swane

Head of Research

Christine E. Swane (1960), MA in Cultural Sociology, PhD on the subject of ‘Everyday Life with Dementia’, University of Copenhagen.

For more than 30 years, Christine has been engaged in research and information on gerontology. She has been director of the EGV Foundation (Social Inclusion of Older Adults) and Head of Research since 2006. Prior to this, she was head of:

  • Professional Master’s Programme in Rehabilitation adn Professional Master’s Programme in Gerontology, University of Southern Denmark (2004-2006)
  • Institute of Gerontology, Copenhagen (1998-2004)
  • Danish Centre for Knowledge on Ageing (1998-2000)

In her work, Christine delivers insight into older people’s perception of everyday life, including the lives of older immigrants and refugees. She has done much work on what it is like to grow old with dementia and the importance of social relations in later life. Her expertise includes involvement of families and professionals in the lives of vulnerable older people – and critical insights into prevailing ideas and notions about old age.

List of publications (English/French)

1992 – Improving environment and care for elderly people with dementia. Danish Medical Bulletin 3; 39: s. 253-55.

1993 – “Small is beautiful”. Experience from SUM dementia projects. Artikelserie. Aalborg University Centre: ALFUFF.

1994 – The Challenge of Dementia in Denmark: Health Policy Considerations. Cronic Diseases in Canada 15; 2, Supplement, s. 28-29.

1994 – Payments for Care: The Case of Denmark. In: Adalbert Evers, Marja Pijl & Clare Ungerson (Eds.). Payments for Care. A Comparative Overview. Aldershot UK: Avebury, s. 101-24.

1998 – The relationship between informal and formal care. The Keio Journal of Medicine 47, Supplement 2, s. 18-20.

1999 – Introduction and Summary. In: Naoki Ikegami, John Campbell (Eds.). Long-term Care for Frail Older People: Reaching for the Ideal System. Tokyo: Springer, s. 3-8.

1999 – The Relationship Between Informal and Formal Care. In: Naoki Ikegami, John Campbell (Eds.). Long-term Care for Frail Older People: Reaching for the Ideal System. Tokyo: Springer, s. 49-53.

2001 – Anne Leonora Blaakilde, Gloria Escudero, Antonia Ferrer, Eigil Boll Hansen, Christine E. Swane. Intergen. Elder Abuse. Barcelona: COPSA.

2003 – Modèles danois de soutien aux personnes démentes vivant à domicile et à leur famille soignante (Danish models of support to people with dementia living at home and their family caregivers.) In: A. Colvez, M.-E. Joel, D. Mischlich, (Eds.): La maladie d’Alzheimer. Quelle place pour les aidants? Expériences innovantes et perspectives en Europe. (Alzheimer’s Disease: What place for the carers? Innovative experiments and prospects in Europe.) Paris: Masson, s. 203-15.

2008 – Esbensen, Bente Appel, Christine E. Swane, Ingalill Rahm Hallberg, Bibbi Thome. The lived experience of getting cancer in old age. International Journal Nursing Studies 45; s. 393-405.

2009 – Stigma and Dementia. The Story about the Dementia Sauce (Abstract). The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, Vol 13, Suppl 1: S321.

2012 – “Home to the skylark”. Residential nature programme for lonely elderly persons. Villum Foundation and Velux Foundation Annual Report 2011, p. 84-85.

2017 – Agency through media in the everyday life of nursing home residents. Innovation in Aging, Volume 1, Suppl 1, 199.

2018 – Old persons’ bodily interaction with media in nursing homes. European Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 21(3) 317–333.

The EGV Foundation

Linnésgade 18, 1
DK-1361 København K
(+45) 5060 5460

Office hours:
Monday – Thursday 9am – 3pm