How common is loneliness among older adults in Denmark?

It is not that easy to establish the number of people who suffer from loneliness.

In Denmark and internationally, various research is available based on various definitions of loneliness and questionnaires addressing various population groups. The EGV Foundation makes use of the latest national statistics as we seek to establish the number of older people who feel lonely. We have a critical and reflective approach when it comes to incorporating and describing statistics on loneliness. Seeing the numerous expressions of loneliness and the different reasons for feeling lonely, we believe that loneliness is difficult to measure using exact figures obtained from a few standardized questions. Consequently, we engage mostly in qualitative studies dealing with the phenomenological experiences of loneliness.

The EGV Foundation

Linnésgade 18, 1
DK-1361 København K
(+45) 5060 5460

Office hours:
Monday – Thursday 9am – 3pm